Amphinicy Technologies at ESA Industry Space Days 2020

Tuesday, Sep 01, 2020
Software that understands the satellite industry

1 September 2020, Zagreb Croatia - Amphinicy Technologies will participate in the Industry Space Days (ISD), the European Space Agency's first ever online event, on 16–17 September 2020.

Amphinicy, a leading provider of complex software solutions and all-round software support for the satellite and space industry, has put an extreme focus on bringing three products to a market-ready state:

MONICA, a state-of-the-art ground station monitor and control solution, built primarily for the satellite industry. It provides a complete solution for monitoring and control of any type of instrument, be it a software module or a physical device. It is already in use in some of European flagship space missions and is ready to host new systems. MONICA is robust, secure and reliable, demonstrates high performance and is scalable to any required customer service size.

Blink, an innovative, software-based, extremely fast high-data-rate modem. Being a high-performance, flexible and affordable solution, Blink can bring benefits especially to Earth observation and science missions which collect terabytes of remote sensing data and Earth imagery every day. Blink has been proven in an operable environment and is acknowledged as an innovative project by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 SME Instrument programme.

SatScout, a handy mobile application for commissioning and certification of VSAT terminals on-site. SatScout is ready to take over the whole process of site survey, antenna azimuth and elevation alignment, cross-polarisation skew setup, and other steps required to fully install the satellite terminal. With SatScout, the complete process is reduced to minutes!

The ISD is organised by the ESA SME Office to foster cooperation between different actors in the space sector. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the event has moved from ESA/ESTEC to a virtual environment. The event is open to entities from ESA Member States, Cooperating States and Associate States as well as to companies from outside this perimeter if they intend to procure European products and services.

Amphinicy Technologies will be presented by representatives from the Zagreb and Luxembourg Office. Amphinicy Luxembourg Office is involved in several flagship ESA projects such as GOVSATCOM and SCYLIGHT. In the scope of the European Commission's Horizon 2020 SME Instrument programme, Amphinicy is collaborating with ESA on their SMILE program (

"We are looking forward to the opportunity to connect with satellite and space companies and ESA representatives; and share exciting news on our innovative products.
Events such as ISD are a crucial platform to exchange ideas, foster cooperation and through new collaborations, drive the industry forward."
said Irena Kos, Product Manager of Amphinicy.

The team will be available for pre-scheduled business-to-business meetings (B2B) via an online platform. Request for a meeting may be scheduled on the ESA website (